Here are thirteen tips or things to think about when planning your wedding ceremony.
Once you book with me, I will send you a document which gives you things to think about before we organise our meet up. There are many more ideas we can put in the ceremony; However, these are the main elements to think about.
1. Music, music, music.
Prepare for 3 songs; walk in song, signing song and final song or walk out song; but ask yourself the following questions first:
- Will you use recorded or live music to walk down the aisle, during the signing and at the end of the ceremony?
- Will you walk down the aisle or will you be there to greet guests?
2. Do you have a weather contingency plan?
- Don’t be disheartened; weddings in the rain are so romantic… I did one yesterday in the mud!!!! It was exhilarating. (picture above) thanks to Scott Surplice photographer
3. The Walk in or entrance: Who will you walk in with?
- You could walk in alone, together, with your father and mother or even your best friend. There are no rules, this is your moment, do whatever you feel is you.
4. Will you acknowledge your family or Wedding Party?
- Somewhere in the body of the ceremony you might like to acknowledge your families, love and support.
- You could also acknowledge or thank your wedding party. This can be done in a light hearted way. I try to eliminate questions being asked by guests whilst the ceremony is happening, so your guests are fully engaged.
5. What stories would you like to incorporate into the wedding ceremony?
- I will get all the juicy bits at our first meeting. You may tell me things you haven't told most people!
6. Do you want any readings/poetry/raps/beat poetry? (please no beat poetry)
- If you don’t want them, that is okay, if you need help, that’s my job… I have many examples to help you with and love helping where I can.
7. Will you be exchanging rings?
By the way I have an engagement bracelet rather than ring. You can do anything you want.
Some beautiful fellas I married exchanged watches!!! Why not? No one says you have to exchange rings! I do love some nice bling though, how about you?
8. Have you thought about vows? (some people call them intentions)
- We will discuss vows at the first meeting. I have many examples that will help you write them. I can send you my top secret vow tips, for your eyes only. There are no rules, they can be simple and short, a poem or long and full of all the good stuff.
9. Who will be your witnesses?
- You will need 2 witnesses over 18 years to sign documents and I will need their full names at some point during the writing of the ceremony.
- If we do a legals only, I can find 2 witnesses for you or we can ask the waiter at the café!!! ( we have seriously done this).
10. How would you like to be introduced at the end of your wedding ceremony?
- Again this is up to you, you can be introduced any way you like. Some examples might be husband and wife, partners in life, wives for lives, the newly married couple, free thinkers, lovers that kind of thing.
11. Do you require me to speak a different language in your marriage ceremony?
- Please say yes. I have introduced in French, Spanish, Hindi, you name it I will give it a go. I speak some basic Portuguese and love trying new languages. This might be just the introduction or some referencing, whatever we decide.
12. What things have you seen in weddings that you love/hate?
- Think about traditional or contemporary elements you have seen.
13. Are there any familial traditions or rituals you would like to uphold?
- So I have been involved in all sorts of rituals, the breaking of the glass, The Greek ritual of the Stefana, 7 step journey, pagan… (insert I am not a cult leader).