Love is in the air

Category: Wedding Ceremony

Same sex lesbian lgbtqi sydney celebrant

Who’s the Best Celebrant in Sydney?

Apparently, it’s me – woohoo! 🙌 What a thrill to open my email and see I’ve been awarded as the Best Celebrant in Sydney… I am not sure how this

Lucy Suze Celebrant Talking on the Mic in Pink

What do Marriage Celebrants do?

A lot of people don’t actually know what a marriage celebrant does… THEY LEGALLY MARRY YOU… But what else do they do?… Let me break it down for you. A

Lucy Suze Celebrant Wedding Lucy and Nadia Happy Together Shot

Our wedding story: Do it your way

In March 2022 my partner and I finally got married after 13 years. You may be thinking, but you are a celebrant why didn’t you get married sooner? Well, this

Feel the love @lucysuzecelebrant

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As seen on
Hello May
Dancing with Her
Best Celebrant Sydney 2022 Award - Lucy Suze Celebrant